![](/Assets/userfiles/sys_eb538c1c-65ff-4e82-8e6a-a1ef01127fed/images/szdw/Zhongquan.jpg) |
职 称:教授
研究方向为碳水化合物化学。主持及参与国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)、国家重点研发专项、上海市科委等国家及省部级项目8项。近五年,刊发SCI论文58篇(其中第一/通讯作者论文51篇),IF>10.0论文14篇,高被引论文4篇,受专刊邀请发表SCI论文2篇;单篇最高影响因子16.002,影响因子累积 545.729,累计引用次数 2000 余次;受Springer等世界出版社邀请,主编英文著作1部,参编英文著作2部。获得授权发明专利 19 项,其中已转化5项。
2003-2008 香港大学,生物科学系博士
2008-2012 美国普渡大学,食品科学系博士后
2012-2018 上海交通大学,农业与生物学院 副教授
2019-至今 上海交通大学,农业与生物学院 教授
- 国家自然基金面上项目,3217160351,淀粉表面脂质对淀粉乙酰化修饰的影响机制,2022.01-2025.12
- 上海爱发投资有限公司,22H010200009, 足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网-上海爱发投资管理有限公司 农业健康食品联合研发中心,2021.12 -2024.11
- 上海爱发投资有限公司,21H010100525,青稞嫩叶产品开发与功能评价,2021.03-2023.03
- 国家自然基金面上项目,31671893,淀粉通道蛋白对淀粉颗粒酶解的影响机制,2017.01-2020.12
- 国家重点研发专项,2016YFD0400206,碳水化合物类食品特征组分指纹图谱、品质功能预测模型与调控体系构建,2016.07-2020.12
- 上海市科委国际合作项目,18490741300,大米淀粉通道蛋白对餐后血糖反应的影响机制,2018.10-2022.09
- 易门米三全食品有限责任公司,18H100000550,鲜湿米线保鲜工艺研究,2019.07-2021.07
- 上海交通大学晨星优秀青年教师(A类),淀粉通道蛋白对湿热处理淀粉的影响作用机制,2018.01-2020.12
- 上海交通大学Agri-X项目,16X100901017,二甲双胍稳定糖尿病患者血糖水平的作用机制,2016.11-2019.10
- C. C. Zhang, Z. K. Xu, X. X. Liu, M. T. Ma, S. Khalid, M. Bordiga, Z. Q. Sui*; H. Corke. (2022). Removing starch granule-associated surface lipids affects structure of heat-moisture treated hull-less barley starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 303, 120477.
- Y. Xu, W. Hua, H. Xu, H. Corke, W. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*. Alkaline Extracted Purified Polysaccharide from Hulless Barley Grass and Its Proliferation Inhibitory Effect Against Cancer Cells. Starch‐Stärke, 2100189, 1-8.
- M. T. Ma#, Z. K. Xu#, H. X. Wu, K. W. Li, G. L. Sun, J. X. He, Z*. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2022). Removal of starch granule-associated surface and channel lipids alters the properties of sodium trimetaphosphate crosslinked maize starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 219, 473-481.
- S. Gao, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, N. Liu, R. Zhang, Z. Sui*, H. Hou*, (2022). Preparation, Physicochemical Properties, and Antioxidant Capacity of Edible Agar Films Containing Hull‐Less Barley Grass Polysaccharide Extracts. Starch‐Stärke, 2200102.
- F. Zeng, J. Zheng, L. Shen, D. D. Herrera-Balandrano, W. Huang*, Z. Sui*, (2022). Physiological mechanisms of TLR4 in glucolipid metabolism regulation: Potential use in metabolic syndrome prevention. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases,33(1), 38-46.
- L. T. Sun#, M. T. Ma#, X. J. Chen, Z. K. Xu, C. C. Zhang, W. Y. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Physicochemical properties of A- and B-type granules isolated from waxy and normal hull-less barley starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 213, 456-464.
- Z. K. Xu, L. L. Song, S. X. Ming, C. C. Zhang, Z. J. Li, Y. Y. Wu*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Removal of starch granule associated proteins affects annealing of normal and waxy maize starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 131, 107695.
- C. C. Zhang, N. Shwetha, S. X. Ming, K. H. Li, D. Cantre, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Rheological properties, structure and digestibility of starches isolated from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties from Europe and Asia. LWT, 161, 113352.
- Y. J. Xu, C. C. Zhang, M. Qi, W. Y. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Chemical characterization and in vitro Anti-Cancer activities of a hot water soluble polysaccharide from hulless barley grass. Foods, 11(5), 677.
- M. T. Ma, Z. K. Xu, X. J. Chen, C. C. Zhang, Z. Y. Liu, D. Cantre, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Architecture of outer shell and inner blocklets of rice starch granule is related to starch granule-associated proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 127, 107551.
- X. J. Chen, M. T. Ma, X. X. Liu, C. C. Zhang, Z. K. Xu, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Multi-scale structure of A- and B-type granules of normal and waxy hull-less barley starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 200, 42-49.
- M. T. Ma#, Y. D. Wen#, C. C. Zhang, Z. K. Xu, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2022). Extraction and characterization of starch granule-associated surface and channel lipids from small-granule starches that affect physicochemical properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 126, 107370.
- G. Kim, Y. Xu, A. Farha, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*. (2022). Bactericidal and anti-biofilm properties of Rumex japonicus Houtt. on multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from milk. Journal of Dairy Science, Doi:10.3168/jds.2021-21221.
- G. Kim, Y. Xu, J. Zhang, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*. (2022). Antibacterial activity and multi-targeting mechanism of dehydrocorydaline from Corydalis turtschaninovii Bess. against Listeria monocytogenes. Frontiers in Microbiology, Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.799094.
- M. T. Ma, H. X. Zhu, Z. Y. Liu, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*. (2022). Removal of starch granule-associated proteins alters the physicochemical properties of diverse small granule starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 124, 107318. [Impact Factor 11.504; 2 citations]
- M. T. Ma, X. J. Chen, R. Z. Zhou, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2021). Surface microstructure of rice starch is altered by removal of granule-associated proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 121, 107038.
- C. C. Zhang, M. T. Ma, Y. J. Xu, Z. K. Xu, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*. (2021). Octenyl succinic anhydride modification alters blending effects of waxy potato and waxy rice starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,190:1-10.
- X. J. Chen, Y. Liu, Z. K. Xu, C. C. Zhang, X. X. Liu*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2021). Microwave irradiation alters the rheological properties and molecular structure of hull-less barley starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 120, 106821.
- L. T. Sun#, Z. K. Xu#, L. L. Song, M. T. Ma. C. C. Zhang, X. J. Chen, X. M. Xu*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2021). Removal of starch granule associated proteins alters the physicochemical properties of annealed rice starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.06.082.
- Y. Liu, X. J. Chen, Z. K. Xu, R. Z. Zhou, W. Y. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2021). Addition of waxy, low or high amylose rice starch differentially affects microstructure, water migration, texture and cooking quality of dried potato starch noodles. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.15057.
- Z. K. Xu, Y. J. Xu, X. J. Chen, L. Zhang, H. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2021). Polishing conditions in rice milling differentially affect the physicochemical properties of waxy, low-and high-amylose rice starch. Journal of Cereal Science, 103183.
- M. T. Ma#, Z. Li#, F. Yang, H., Wu, W. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke. (2021). Use of heat‐moisture treated maize starch to modify the properties of wheat flour and the quality of noodles. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56(7):3607-3617.
- Y. Liu, X. J. Chen, Y. J. Xu, Z. K. Xu, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Gel texture and rheological properties of normal amylose and waxy potato starch blends with rice starches differing in amylose content, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56(4): 1946-1958.
- M. T. Ma#, Y. Liu#, X. J. Chen, C. Brennan, X. M. Xu*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Thermal and pasting properties and digestibility of blends of potato and rice starches differing in amylose content, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 165, 321-332.
- M. T. Ma#, Y. Zhang#, X. J. Chen, H. T. Li*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Microwave irradiation differentially affect the physicochemical properties of waxy and non-waxy hull-less barley starch, Journal of Cereal Science, 95, 103072.
- Y. D. Wen, Z. K. Xu, Y. Liu, H. Corke*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2020). Investigation of food microstructure and texture using atomic force microscopy: A review, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19, 2357-2379.
- M. T. Ma, Z. K. Xu, P. Li, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Removal of starch granule-associated proteins affects amyloglucosidase hydrolysis of rice starch granules, Carbohydrate Polymers, 247, 116674.
- M. T. Ma, Y. J. Xu, Z. L. Liu, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Removal of starch granule-associated proteins promotes α-amylase hydrolysis of rice starch granule, Food Chemistry, 330, 127313.
- Y. D. Wen#, T. M. Yao#, Y. J. Xu, H. Corke, Z. Q. Sui*, (2020). Pasting, thermal and rheological properties of octenylsuccinylate modified starches from diverse small granule starches differing in amylose content, Journal of Cereal Science, 95, 103030.
- M. He#, Z. K. Xu#, S. J. Yao, M. T. Ma, W. Y. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Resveratrol alters texture and provides nutritional benefits in white‐salted noodles. International Journal of Food & Technology, 55, 2740-2750.
- T. M. Yao#, Y. D. Wen#, Z. K. Xu, M. T. Ma, P. Li, C. Brennan, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke (2020). Octenylsuccinylation differentially modifies the physicochemical properties and digestibility of small granule starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 144, 705-714.
- M. T. Ma, Y. D. Wen, C. Qiu, Q. Zhan, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Milling affects rheological and gel textural properties of rice flour. Cereal Chemistry, 97, 205-215.
- Q. Zhan, X. T. Ye, Y. Zhang, X. L. Kong, J. S. Bao, H. Corke, Z. Q. Sui*, (2020). Starch granule-associated proteins affect the physicochemical properties of rice starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 101, 105504.
- M. T. Ma, M. He, Y. J. Xu, P. Li, Z. J. Li, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke, (2020). Thermal processing of rice grains affects the physical properties of their pregelatinized rice flours. International Journal of Food & Technology, 55, 1375-1385.
- X. T. Ye, Y. Zhang, C. Qiu, H. Corke*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2019). Extraction and characterization of starch granule-associated proteins from rice that affect in vitro starch digestibility. Food Chemistry, 276, 754-760.
- C. Qiu, P. Li, Z. J. Li, H. Corke*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2019). Combined speed and duration of milling affect the physicochemical properties of rice flour. Food Hydrocolloids, 89, 188-195.
- Z. H. Liao, H. R. Cai, Z. K. Xu, J. Wang, C. Qiu, J. Xie, W. Y. Huang*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2018). Protective role of antioxidant huskless barley extracts on TNF-α-induced endothelial dysfunction in human vascular endothelial cells. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2018, 3846029.
- M. He, C. Qiu, Z. Liao, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*, (2018). Impact of cooking conditions on the properties of rice: Combined temperature and cooking time. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 117, 87-94.
- W.Y. Huang, H. Wu, D. J. Li, J. F. Song, Y. D. Xiao, C. Q. Liu, J. Z. Zhou*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2018). Protective effects of blueberry anthocyanins against H2O2-induced oxidative injuries in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(7), 1638-1648.
- W. Y. Huang, Z. Yan, D. J. Li, Y. H. Ma, J. Z. Zhou*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2018). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of blueberry anthocyanins on high glucose-induced human retinal capillary endothelial cells, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2018(2): 1862462.
- W.Y. Huang, X.N. Wang, J. Wang*, Z. Q. Sui*, (2018). Malvidin and its glycosides from Vaccinium ashei improve endothelial function by anti-inflammatory and angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory effects. Natural Product Communications, 13(1), 49-52.
- Y. Wu, R. Guo, N.N. Cao, X. J. Sun, Z. Q. Sui*, Q. B. Guo*, (2018). A systematical rheological study of polysaccharide from Sophora alopecuroides L. seeds. Carbohydrate Polymers, 180, 63-71.
- R. Y. Gan, H. B. Li, Z. Q. Sui*, H. Corke*, (2018). Absorption, metabolism, anti-cancer effect and molecular targets of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG): an updated review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58, 924-941.
- Z. Q. Sui, X. L. Kong, (2018). Physical Modifications of Starch. Singapore: Springer.
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- 隋中泉;姚天鸣;叶晓汀. 一种辛烯基琥珀酸酐淀粉乳化剂的制备方法及其应用. 授权号:ZL 201510355349.1
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2015年 上海交通大学青年岗位能手
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2016年 上海交通大学优秀教师三等奖
2017年 上海交通大学晨星-优秀青年学者奖励计划(B类)
2017年 金龙鱼优秀青年教师奖
2018年 上海交通大学晨星-优秀青年学者奖励计划(A类)
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