

       周选围 张利达



1 番茄品质形成

2 番茄种质资源创制



TOC: WRKY32 regulates fruit color formation meditated by YFT1

ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate; CTR1, constitutive triple response1; CEND, carboxyl-terminal domain of EIN2/YFT1; EIN3/EIL1, ethylene insensitive 3/ethylene insensitive like1; ETR,ethylene receptor; SAM,S-Adenosyl methionine ; W-box, a cis-acting element, which was specifically bond by WRKY of transcriptional factor; YFT1, yellow fruited tomato 1.

TOC: A Ser126Arg substitution in yft3 tomato mutant alters fruit color due to serious impairment of YFT3 allele catalytic activity in the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway.

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