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联系地址:  足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网创新楼B-306A  



2020.12- 至今     上海交通大学,农业与生物学院,长聘教轨副教授

2017.01- 2020.12,美国密歇根州立大学,助理研究员/研究助理教授

2014.08- 2016.12,美国爱荷华州立大学,博士后
       2008.09- 2014.06,中科院植物生理生态研究所,博士
       2004.09- 2008.06,华中农业大学,学士





       2,证明内源本底水平内质网胁迫信号的激活对植物正常生长和发育是必需的(2019,Plant Physiology);

主要论文(#co-first, *corresponding)

  1. Bao Y*, Bassham DC* (2020) ER-Phagy and its role in ER homeostasis in plants. Plants. 9 (12), 1771
  2. Yu X*, Bao Y* (2020) Phylogenetics of molecular regulators contributing to plant stress tolerance. Diversity. 12(10), 407
  3. Bao Y*, Magallenes-Lundback M, Deason N, DellaPenna D* (2020) High throughput profiling of tocochromanols in leaves and seeds of Arabidopsis and Maize. Plant Methods. 16 (1), 1-14
  4. Bao Y* (2020) Links between drought stress and autophagy in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 15 (8), 1779487
  5. Bao Y*, Bassham DC* (2020) COST1 balances plant growth and stress tolerance via attenuation of autophagy. Autophagy. 16 (6), 1157-1158
  6. Bao Y#, *, Song WM#, Wang PP, Yu X, Li B, Jiang CM, Shiu SH, Zhang HX*, and Bassham DC* (2020) COST1 regulates autophagy to control plant drought tolerance. PNAS. 117 (13), 7482-7493 (Recommended by F1000Prime/Faculty Opinions; highlighted by Plantae)
  7. Song WM, Cheng ZH, Guo XT, Yu CY, Wang HH, Wang J, Zhang HX*, Bao Y(2019) Overexpression of NHL6 affects seed production in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Plant Growth Regulation. 88 (1), 41-47
  8. Bao Y, Bassham DC, Howell SH* (2019) A functional unfolded protein response is required for normal vegetative development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 179 (4), 1834-1843 (Highlighted by Plantae)
  9. Bao Y*, Bassham DC* (2018) Using Arabidopsis protoplasts to study unfolded protein response signaling. Bio-protocol. https://bio-protocol.org/e3101
  10. Bao Y, Pu YT, Yu X, Gregory BD, Srivastava R, Howell SH, Bassham DC* (2018) IRE1b degrades RNAs encoding proteins that interfere with the induction of autophagy by ER stress. Autophagy. 14 (9), 1562-1573
  11. Bao Y, Howell SH* (2017) The Unfolded Protein Response Supports Plant Development and Defense as well as Responses to Abiotic Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 344
  12. Bao Y, Mugume Y, Bassham DC* (2017) Biochemical methods to monitor autophagic responses in plants. Methods in Enzymology. 588:497-513
  13. Bao Y, Song WM, Zhang HX* (2016) Role of Arabidopsis NHL family in ABA and stress response. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 11 (5), e1180493
  14. Bao Y#, Song WM#, Pan J, Jiang CM, Srivastava R, Li B, Zhu LY, Su HY, Gao XS, Liu H, Yu X, Yang L, Cheng XH, Zhang HX* (2016) Overexpression of the NDR1/HIN1-like gene NHL6 modifies abscisic acid sensitivity and biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plos One. 11 (2), e0148572
  15. Bao Y, Song WM, Jin YL, Jiang CM, Yang Y, Li B, Huang WJ, Liu H, Zhang HX* (2014) Characterization of Arabidopsis Tubby-like proteins and redundant function of AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 in plant response to ABA and osmotic stress. Plant Molecular Biology. 86:471-483
  16. Bao Y, Wang CT, Jiang CM, Pan J, Zhang GB, Liu H, Zhang HX* (2014) The tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF)-like family protein SEVEN IN ABSENTIA 2 (SINA2) promotes drought tolerance in an ABA-dependent manner in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 202: 174-187



  1. Kang T, Yu CY, Liu Y, Song WM, Bao Y, Guo XT, Li B and Zhang HX (2019) Subtly manipulated expression of ZmmiR156 in tobacco improves drought and salt tolerance without changing the architecture of transgenic plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 1664
  2. Wang HH, Wang XQ, Song WM, Bao Y, Jin YL, Jiang CM, Wang CT, Li B and Zhang HX (2019) PdMYB118, isolated from a red leaf mutant of Populus deltoids, is a new transcription factor regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in poplar. Plant Cell Report. 38 (8), 927-936
  3. Zhu MM, Liu EQ, Bao Y, Duan SL, She J, Liu H, Wu TT, Cao XQ, Zhang J, Li B, Sheng YT, Liang MX, Zhang HX, Guo XT (2018) Low concentration of corn steep liquor promotes seed germination, plant growth, biomass production and flowering in soybean. Plant Growth Regulation. 87 (1), 29-37
  4. Jin YL, Tang RJ, Wang HH, Jiang CM, Bao Y, Yang Y, Liang MX, Kong FJ, Li B, Zhang HX (2017). Overexpression of Populus trichocarpa CYP85A3 promotes growth and biomass production in transgenic trees. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 15: 1309-1321
  5. Deng Y, Srivastava R, Quilichini TD, Dong HL, Bao Y, Horner HT, Howell SH (2016) IRE1, a component of the Unfolded Protein Response signaling pathway, protects pollen development in Arabidopsis from heat stress. Plant Journal. 88: 193-204
  6. Yang Y, Tang RJ, Li B, Wang HH, Jin YL, Jiang CM, Bao Y, Su HY, Zhao N, Ma XJ, Yang L, Chen SL, Cheng XH, Zhang HX (2015) Overexpression of a Populus trichocarpa H+-pyrophosphatase gene PtVP1.1 confers salt tolerance on transgenic poplar. Tree Physiology. 35: 663-677
  7. Wang CT, Bao Y, Wang QQ, Zhang HX (2013) Introduction of the rice CYP714D1 gene into Populus inhibits expression of its homologous genes and promotes growth, biomass production and xylem fibre length in transgenic trees. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64: 2847-57
  8. Tang RJ, Liu H, Bao Y, Lv QD, Yang L, Zhang HX (2010) The woody plant poplar has a functionally conserved salt overly sensitive pathway in response to salinity stress. Plant Molecular Biology. 74: 367-380



  1. Zhang HX, Bao Y, Wang CT. (2013) Plant drought resistance ability improving method. CN104278053A
  2. Bao Y, Song WM, Zhang HX. (2018) Enhance plant drought resistance by inhibiting the expression of a COST1 gene. CN108949821A
  3. Bao Y, Song WM, Zhang HX. (2020) Method by inhibiting the expression of COST1 gene to improve plant drought resistance. PCT Priority to CN201810901473.7A




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