王文利 职 称:长聘教轨副教授(博士生导师,独立PI) 所属学科:食品科学与工程,食品营养学 研究方向:食品营养感知与人体健康 电子信箱:wenli-wang@sjtu.edu.cn |
2017年毕业于南京农业大学,获食品科学与工程博士学位,2017年至2022年分别于上海海洋大学、上海交通大学从事博士后研究。2022年至今,上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授。长期专注于食品滋味感知与营养,在Biomaterial (IF=15.304)、Trends in Analytical Chemistry (IF= 14.908)、Biosensors&Bioelectronics (IF= 12.545)等国际著名期刊共发表论文30余篇。曾获上海市超级博士后(2019年),担任学科一区期刊Food Chemistry和Food science and human wellness的客座编辑和审稿人,参与《Trends in Food Science & Technology》英文书籍章节编写,参加第16届国际风味warman会议口头报告等,主持或参与国家省部级项目8项、企业项目若干。
1. Wenli Wang†, Dingqiang Lu†, Qiuda Xu, Yulian Jin, Guangchang Pang*, Yuan Liu*Remodeling of RyR1 channel regulates the sweet and umami perception of Rattus norvegicus, Fundamental Research (In Press)
2. Wenli Wang, Zhiyong Cui, Menghua Ning, Tianxing Zhou, Yuan Liu*. In-silico investigation of umami peptides with receptor T1R1/T1R3 for the discovering potential targets: A combined modeling approach, Biomaterial (2022) 281: 121338 (IF=15.304)
3. Yuxia Fan, Yulin Huang, Gaole Chen, Shui Jiang, Yin Zhang, Guangchang Pang, Wenli Wang*, Yuan Liu*. Study on the distribution of umami receptors on the tongue and its signal coding logic based on taste bud biosensor, Biosens Bioelectron (2022) 197:113780. (IF=12.545)
4. Jiansen Li #, Wenli Wang #, Jing Liu, He Li, Ninglong Zhang, Fengzhen Yang, Haowei Dong, Xia Sun, Gaole Chen, Yuxia Fan, Yemin Guo*, Yuan Liu*. Human-like performance umami electrochemical biosensor by utilizing co-electrodeposition of ligand binding domain T1R1-VFT and Prussian blue, Biosensor Bioelectronics (2021) 193:113627. (IF=12.545)
5. Wenli Wang, Luan Yang, Menghua Ning, Yuan Liu*. A rational tool for the umami evaluation of peptides based on multi-techniques, Food Chemistry (2021) 371: 131105. (IF= 9.231)
6. Wenli Wang, Menghua Ning, Yuxia Fan, Yuan Liu*. Comparison of physicochemical and umami characterization of aqueous and ethanolic Takifugu obscurus muscle extracts, Food and Chemical Toxicology (2021) 154:112317. (IF=5.572)
7. Wenli Wang, Ying Li, Xirui Zhou, Chunbao Li*, Yuan Liu*. Changes in the extent and products of In vitro protein digestion during the ripening periods of Chinese dry-cured hams, Meat Science (2021) 171: 108290. (IF=7.077)
8. Wenli Wang, Xirui Zhou, Yuan Liu*. Characterization and evaluation of umami taste: A review, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, (2020) 127: 115876. (IF=14.908)
9. Wenli Wang#, Long Zhang#, Xichang Wang*, Liu, Y*. Physicochemical and sensory variables of Maillard reaction products obtained from Takifugu obscurus muscle hydrolysates, Food Chemistry, (2019) 290:40-46. (IF= 9.231)
10. Wenli Wang, Wei Wang, Yamin Du, Hong Wu, Xiaobo Yu, Keping Ye, Chunbao Li, Yong-Sam Jung, Yingjuan Qian, Josef Voglmeir*, Li Liu*. Comparison of anti-pathogenic activities of the human and bovine milk N-glycome: Fucosylation is a key factor, Food Chemistry (2017) 235: 167-174 (IF= 9.231)
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