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ZHANG CAIXI Professor |
Prof. Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in Tottori University of Japan in 2005 and worked as visiting Associate Professor and Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science from 2006 to 2008. He also worked as Research Associate in Washington State University from 2008 to 2010. He was promoted to full Professor in Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2011.
Prof. Zhang has conducted many applied and basic researches on hormones on reproductive and fruit development in tree fruit species. In recent years, he had a deep involvement of gibberellins on carbon partitioning, fruit quality and sink strength in pear and sweet cherry. As a scientist in Pomology, he also contributed a lot on orchard production system, abiotic stress, and fruit domestication.
Prof. Zhang has published 3 books, more than 30 international conference papers and 50 peer-reviewed articles, over 20 of which are in international journals, and obtained 7 Chinese and US patents. He has been selected and supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China in 2010. His group is pushing the researches in tree fruit physiology with the omics technology and low chilling sweet cherry breeding and production in warm regions.
Research Projects
1.PI, 2011-2013, Transcriptome and Protomeic study on GA promoting sink strength in pear. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 350k RMB.
2.PI, 2011-2013, GA-stimulated functional proteins in photoassimilates unloading in pear fruit. Ministry of Education, China, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, 500k RMB.
3.PI, 2011-2013, Localization of GA-stimulated functional proteins in photoassimilates unloading in pear fruit, Excellent Youth Faculty Award Program, 80k RMB.
4.PI, 2011-2012, Extension for rooting-zone restriction in tree fruit cultivation in shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Science Commission, 150k RMB.
5.PI, 2010-2012, Selection of low chilling sweet cherry in shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Science Commission, 600k RMB.
6.Co-PI, 2009-2010, Identifying causes of variability in fruit quality, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, $96,270.
7.Co-PI, 2008-2009, Efficient production of superlative fruit, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, $246,270.
8.PI, 2006-2008, GA and sink strength in pear fruit, Ministry of Education of China, 30k RMB.
9.Co-PI, 2006-2007, Fruit growth and manipulation of fruit size in Japanese pear, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2400k JPN
Awards and Honors
1.SMC-Excellent Youth Faculty Award, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2011.
2.Selected by "Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University" (NCET), The Ministry of Education, China, 2010
3.Science Progress Award of China for rooting-zone restriction in viticulture, Ministry of Education, 2010
4.Science Progress Award of Shanghai for establishment of integrated organic production of grape and peach, Shanghai Municipal Government, 2007
5.Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2006-2008
6.Science Progress Award of Shanghai for evaluation and selection of Actinidia varieties, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 2001.
7.Outstanding Teaching Award for improvement of innovation abilities of student in horticultural science. Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2000.
8.Shanghai Society for Horticultural Science, tree fruit section, Vice director.
9.Shanghai Society for Forestry Science, Economic tree section, Vice director.
1.Zhang C, M Whiting. 2013. Plant growth regulators improve sweet cherry fruit quality without reducing endocarp growth. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 73-79.
2.Zhang C, M Whiting. 2012. The occurrence of protruding pistil in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and its consequence on fertilization. Scientia Horticulturae 140: 149-156.
3.X Yu, B Wang, C Zhang,W Xu, J He, L Zhu, S Wang. 2012. Effect of root restriction on nitrogen levels and glutamine synthetase activity in 'Kyoho' grapevines, Scientia Horticulturae, 137:156-163.
4.B Wang, J He, C Duan, X Yu, L Zhu, Z Xie, C Zhang, S Wang. 2012. Root restriction affects anthocyanin accumulation and composition in berry skin of ‘Kyoho’ grape (Vitis vinifera L.X Vitis labrusca L.) during ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 137:20-28.
5.Zhang C, M Whiting. 2011. Pre-harvest foliar application of Prohexadione-Ca and gibberellins modify canopy source-sink relations and improve quality and shelf-life of ‘Bing’ sweet cherry. Plant Growth Regulation 65:145-156.
6.Zhang C, M Whiting. 2011. Improving 'Bing' sweet cherry fruit quality with plant growth regulators. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 341-346.
7.Zhang C, N Tateishi, K Tanabe. 2010. Pollen density on the stigma affects endogenous gibberellin metabolism, seed and fruit set, and fruit quality in Pyrus pyrifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany 61:4291–4302.
8.Li B, Z Xie, A Zhang, W Xu, C Zhang, Q Liu, C Liu, S Wang. 2010. Tree growth characteristics and flower bud differentiation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) under different climate conditions in China. Horticultural Science (Prague). 37:6-13.
9.Zhang C, K Tanabe U Lee, S Kang, T Tokunaga. 2009. Gibberellins and N-(2-Chloro- 4-pyridyl)-N'-pheny lurea improve retention force and reducet water core in pre-mature fruit of Japanese pear ‘Housui’. Plant Growth Regulation 58:25-34.
10.Zhang C, U Lee, K Tanabe. 2008. Hormonal regulation of fruit set, parthenogenesis induction and fruit expansion in Japanese pear. Plant Growth Regulation 55:231-240.
11.Zhang C, K Tanabe. 2008. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthates from different current shoots neighboring with fruiting spur in later-maturing Japanese pear during the period of rapid fruit growth. Scientia Horticulturae 117:142-150.
12.Zhang C, K Tanabe, H Tani, H Nakajima, M Mori, E Sakuno. 2007. Biologically active gibberellins and ABA in fruit of two late-maturing Japanese pear cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 132:452–458.
13.Zhang C, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, M Yoshida. 2007. Role of gibberellins in increasing sink demand in Japanese pear fruit during rapid fruit growth. Plant Growth Regulation 52:161-172.
14.Zhang C, K Tanabe, S Wang, F Tamura, A Yoshida, K Matsumoto. 2006. The impact of cell division and cell enlargement on the evolution of fruit size in Pyrus pyrifolia. Annanls of Botany 98:537-543.
15.Zhu L, S Wang, T Yang, C Zhang, W Xu. 2006. Vine growth and nitrogen metabolism of ‘Fujiminori’ grapevines in response to root restriction. Scientia Horticulturae 107:143-149.
16.Zhang C, K Tanabe, F Tamura, K Matsumoto, A Yoshida. 2005. 13C-photosynthate accumulation in Japanese pear fruit during the period of rapid fruit growth is limited by the sink strength of fruit rather than by the transport capacity of the pedicel. Journal of Experimental Botany 56:2713-2719.
17.Zhang C, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, S Wang. 2005. Spur characteristics, fruit growth, and carbon partitioning in two late-maturing Japanese pear cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 130:252-260.
18.Zhang C, K Tanabe, F Tamura, A Itai, S Wang. 2005. Partitioning of 13C-photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth of three Japanese pear cultivars differing in maturation date. Annals of Botany 95:685-693.
19.Wang S, G Okamota, K Hirano, J Lu, C Zhang. 2001. Effects of rooting-zone restriction on vine growth and berry development of Kyoho grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 52250-255
20.Ishfaq AH, ZL Li, SL Zhang, C Zhang, AG Grewal, CA. Haq. 2000. Genomic DNA variation associated with phase change in crab apple and peach. International Journal of Agriculture &Biology. 2:187-191.
21.Li B, Wang L, Zhang C, Wang S. 2011. Effect of hydrogen cyanamide on breaking the dormancy of sweet cherry in Shanghai. SouthChina Fruit. 40:22-25.
22.Li B, Xie Z, Zhang A, Xu W, Zhang C, Liu Q, Liu C, Wang S. 2010. Tree growth characteristics and flower bud differentiation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) under different climate conditions in China. Horticultural Science (Prague). 37:6-13.
23.Li B, Li S, Xie Z, Xu W, Zhang C, Wang S. 2010. Comparative analysis of flowering biology and flower bud differeation between Shanghai and Yantai Journal of Fruit Science 27:349-354.
24.Co-editor of Viticulture in Protected House, Shanghai Education Press, published in 2005. ISBN:754440192 8S.0002 (Editors: S Wang, C Zhang)
25.Co-editor of Modern Horticultural Technology, Shanghai Education Press, published in 2005. ISBN:754440189 8S.0001 (Editors: D Huang, Q Niu, H Du, M Ding, C Zhang)
26.Modern Technology of Seed and Seedling Production (Editor: H Chen), Shanghai Science and Technology Press, published in 1999. ISBN:7-5323-5169-6/S.527 (C Zhang p52-73)
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Support by: Wei Cheng