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Professor Research Interests: 1) Molecular Plant Pathology 2) Biological Prevention and Control of Plant Diseases Email:jiechen59@sjtu.edu.cn |
Professor,Vice Dean of the School of Agriculture& Biology,a member of university academic degree assessment committee and director of key laboratory of Northem Crop Disease Immunity run by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. He is also a member of the 5th Discipline Assessment Group in Degree Committee of State Council and a menber of Guidance Committee in High Education of Agriculture in Chinese Education Ministry.
He had worked in Korean Kyungpook National University as a postdoctoral fellow in 1996-1997 and as senior visiting scholar in Comell in 2002-2003.
He has been awarded with 15 honor titles or prizes including special allowance give by State Council for the excellent service in high education,the excellent young and mid-age expert with great contribution to agricultural science awarded by Agricultural Ministry, and a National Elite in agricultural science and technology awarded by Chinese Society of Agronomy.
Professor Chen is working on molecular plant pathology,plant protemics,biofungicide,and bio-technique application in environmental protection.He has published more than hundred papers in the international and national academic or academic congresses,10 books and 2 textbooks,and two awarded patents.
Fields of Specialization
Molecular mechanism of maize disease, biological control systems with Trichoderma against maize and vegetable soilborne diseases, farming soil pollution bioremediation, molecular biology and genetics of fungi.
Academic Appointments
Professor, Department of Resources and Environment Sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong University(SJTU), 2003-present
Advanced visiting scholar, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, 2002-2003
Dean, College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University, 1998-2002
Dean, College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, 1998-2000
Professor, College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University,1995-1996
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University, 1992-1995
Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University 1989-1991
Current SJTU Assignments
Member of Academic Committee, SJTU
Member of Academic Committee, Institute of Plant Science, SJTU
Member of Academic Committee, Key Laboratory of Biological Control, Ministry of Agriculture, China
Executive chair of Key laboratory of Urban Agriculture (South), Ministry of Agriculture, China
Professional Societies and Duties
Member of the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences, IAPPS
Standing director of China Society of Plant Protection, CSPP
Vice president of Biological Control Professional Committee, CSPP
Member of Chinese Society for Plant Pathology, CSPP
Honors and awards
1) Special Allowance Obtained from State Council for the Excellent Service in High Education, 1993.
2) The Excellent Young and Mid-age Expert with Great Contribution to Agricultural Science Awarded by Ministry of Agriculture, China, 1997.
3) A National Elite in Agricultural Science and Technology Awarded by Chinese Society of Agronomy, 2001.
4) Prizes for the Scientific and Technological Progress Biological control of vegetable diseases in greenhouse, Liaoning provincial second-grade advanced prize of science and technology 2005.
5) Apple ring rot (Macrophoma kawatsukai )occurrence mechanism and no public harmful IPM. Liaoning provincial second-grade advanced prize of science and technology 2006.
6) Biocontrol technique Innovation and demonstration against vegetable major diseases in greenhouse. The third-grade progress prize of science and technology awarded by Shanghai Municipal Administration, 2007.
7) Monitor and control of maize major disease and insect pest in China
8) The first –grade progress prize of science and technology awarded by Chinese Society of Plant Protection, 2008.
9) The basic research for preparing novel biopesticide against crop important diseases The second–grade progress prize of science and technology awarded by Chinese Society of Plant Protection, 2008.
10) The Basic Research on pathogenicity differentiation of leaf spot pathogen and host resistance in maize, The second –grade progress prize of science and technology awarded by Chinese Society of Plant Protection, 2009.
11) The pathogen physiological differentiation, resistance mechanism of maize and IPM techniques. Liaoning provincial second-grade progress prize of science and technology 2009.
12) Molecular mechanism of major maize disease occurrence and host resistance and eco-control.The second-grade progress prizes of science and technology in universities administrated by Ministry of Education of China, 2010.
Professional books: 4 (in Chinese)
Text books: 4 (in Chinese)
Refereed Journal Articles: 100 (in Chinese & in English )
Patents: 5
Articles ( in English) since 2005:
1. Chen J., Liu X., Xu S.F., Liu H.N., Huang Y.Q., Zhou X.Y. Insertional Mutagenesis of Trichoderma obtained by REMI Technique. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 2005, 39(11): 1918-1923.
2. Chen J., Harman G.E., Comis A. Proteomics related to the biocontrol of Pythium damping off in maize with Trichoderma harzianum. Journal of integrative plant biolog. 2005, 47(8): 988-997.
3. Zhou X.Y.,Liu L.X.,Chen J. Efficient biodegradation of cyanide and ferrocyanide by Na-alginate beads immobilized with fungal cells of Trichoderma koningii Can.J.Microbiol.2007,53(9):1033-1037.
4. Zhou X.Y., Xu S.F.,Chen J. Degradation of cyanide by Trichoderma mutants constructed by restriction enzyme mediated integration (REMI). Bioresource Technology 2007,98(15):2958-2962.
5. Shufa Xu, Jie Chen. Proteomics Associated with Virulence Differentiation of Curvularia lunata in Maize in China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49 (4): 487−496
6. Jun Tang, Lixing Liu, Shifeng Hu, Yunpeng Chen, Jie Chen.Improved degradation of organophosphate dichlorvos by Trichoderma atroviride transformants generated by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI). Bioresource Technology 2009,100:480-483.
7. Huang Xiuli, Liu Lixing, Zhai Yuhong, Liu Tong, Chen Jie .Proteomic comparison of four maize inbred lines with different levels of resistance to Curvularia lunata(Wakker)Boed infection. Progress in Natural Science. 2009,18(10):1428-1431.
8. Harman G.E., Comis A., Chen J. Interactions between Trichoderma harzianum strain T22 and maize inbred line Mo17 and effects of this interaction on diseases caused by Pythium ultimum and Colletotrichum graminicola. Phytopathology 2004, 94: 147-153.
9. Wenliang Sun, Lixing Liu, Xiaolu Hu , Jun Tang, Peng Liu, Jie Chen, Yunpeng Chen .Generation and identification of DNA sequence flanking T-DNA integration site of Trichoderma atroviride mutants with high dichlorvos-degrading capacity Bioresource Technology 2009,100:5941-5946.
10. Wang Bing, Liu Lixin, Chen Jie. Improved phytoremediation of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) by Trichoderma mutant constructed by restriction enzyme-mediated Integration (REMI) in cadmium polluted soil. Chemosphere 2009.74 :1400-–1403.
11. Tong Liu, Lixing Liu, Xue Jiang, Xiuli Huang, Jie Chen. A new furanoid toxin produced by Curvularia lunata,the causal agent of maize Curvulraria leaf spot. Canadian J.Plant Pathology 2009,31:22-27.
12. Xiuli Huang, Lixing Liu, Yuhong Zhai, Tong Liu, Jie Chen. Proteomic comparison of four maize inbred lines with different levels of resistance to Curvularia lunata. Progress in Natural Science 2009,19(3):353-358.
13. Xiuli Huang, Lixing Liu, Yuhong Zhai, Tong Liu, Jie Chen . Comparative proteomic analysis of the response in resistance and susceptible maize inbred lines to infection by Curvularia lunata. Progress in Natural Science 2009,19(7): 845-850
14. Tong Liu, Lixing Liu, Xue Jiang, Jumei Hou, Kehe Fu, Feihong Zhou, Jie Chen. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation as a useful tool for the molecular genetics study of the phytopathogen Curvularia lunata. Eur.J.Plant 2010.126:363-371.
15. Wenliang Sun, Yunpeng Chen,Jie Chen,Peng Liu. Conidia immobilization of T-DNA inserted Trichoderma atroviride mutant AMT-28 with dichlorvos degradation ability and exploration of biodegradation mechanism. Bioresource Technology 2010,101: 9197–9203.
16. Jun Tang, Lixing Liu, Xiuli Huang, Yingying Li, Yunpeng Chen, Jie Chen. Proteomic analysis of Trichoderma atroviride mycelia stressed by organophosphate pesticide dichlorvos. Can. J. Microbiol. 2010. 56: 121–127.
17. Tong Liu; Lixing Liu; Jumei Hou; Guangji Li; Shigang Gao; Jie Chen. Expression of green fluorescent protein in Curvularia lunata causing maize leaf spot.Can. J. Plant Pathol. 2010. 32(2): 225–228.
18. Kehe Fu, Lixing Liu, Lili Fan, Tong Liu, Jie Chen. Tolerance and bioaccumulation of copper in ATMT transformants of Trichoderma reesei. Biological letters 2010.32:1815–1820.
19. Tong Liu , Shufa Xu ,Lixing Liu , Feihong Zhou, Jumei Hou, Jie Chen, Cloning and characteristics of Brn1 gene in Curvularia lunata causing leaf spot in maize Eur J Plant Pathol (2011) 131:211–219
20. Kehe Fu LiLi fan Yingying Li Shigang Gao Jie Chen* Tmac1:a transcription factor which regulate high affinity cooper transport in Trichoderma reseei,Microbioloigcal Research (2012 in press)
21. Rui-yan Sun·ZHI-cheng LIU·Jie CHEN* Trichoderma biodiversity in China, Journal of Applied Genetics(2012 in press)
22. YINGY. LI, JUN TANG, KE H. FU, SHI G. GAO, QIONG WU and JIE CHEN* Construction of transgenic Trichoderma koningi with chit42 of Metarhizium anisopliae and analysis of its activity against the Asian corn borer, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B(in press).
Patent issued
1. Chen Jie ,Zhuang Jinhua ,Gao Zenggui. A preparation method of Trichoderma chlamydospores. China Patent ZL 2004 1 0025682.8, issued Feb. 15.2006.
2. Zhuang Jinhua , Chen Jie, Gao Zenggui. A preparation method of biocontrol agent with multi-functions. China Patent ZL 2004 1 0021080.5 , issued March 7,2007.
3. Chen Jie, Tong Baohong, Cheng Genwu,Zhuang Jinhua. A method to induce eggplant resistance to Verticillium wilt .China Patent ZL200510028698.9 ,issued July 18, 2007.
4. Zhuang Jinhua, Chen Jie, Yong Changcheng ,Gao Zenggui. Preparation and application method of Trichoderma conidia powder .China Patent ZL2007 10010263.0, issued May 26, 2010.
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Support by: Wei Cheng