Department of Plant Sciences
Phone: 86-13524360158
E-mail: xuanweizhou@sjtu.edu.cn ; xuanweizhou@163.com
Tel: 86-021-34205778
Research Interests:
(1) Fungal Biotechnology
(2) Development and utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (mushrooms
2011-2014 Ph.D in Biotechnology, Shanghai Normal University.
1990-1991 M.S. in Biological Education, East China Normal University
1980-1984 B.S. in Biology, Shaanxi University of Technology
Research Experience/Achievement
Dr. Zhou entered the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 2004. Before entering the SJTU, Dr. Zhou had got the professor qualification in 2001 in Shaanxi University of Technology. For the past thirty years, he has been working at the field of development and utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing especially on medicinal mushroom such as Ganoderma, Chinese Cordycepes, and etc.
In recent years, Dr. Zhou’ research interest was not only focus on development and utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also on the host-endophytic fungi interactions; molecular/cellular mechanisms of endophytic fungus and its host plant containing the same metabolic products. For this purpose, Dr. Zhou presided over six research projects which are presented as following:
2016-2019 Principle Investigator sponsored by Tianjin Huihe Food Industry Co., Ltd under Grant Nos. 16H100000413. Title: Development and utilization of bioactive components in highland barley.
2013-2017 Principle Investigator sponsored by Tibet Shenglong Industry Co., Ltd under Grant Nos. No: 13H100000453. Title: Development, utilization and protection of Ophiocordyceps sinensis resources using modern biotechnology.
2011-2013 Principle Investigator sponsored by Tibet Shengniu Biotechnology Co., Ltd under Grant Nos. No: YZ201110. Title: Artificial assisted growth of natural Ophiocordyceps sinensis.
2007-2010 Principle Investigator sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NFSC) under Grant Nos. 30771500. Title: Optimizing of fungal immonumodulatory protein sequence by DNA shuffling technique.
2007-2010 Principle Investigator sponsored by the Shanghai Science committee Foundation under Grant Nos. 07DZ19724. Title: Improving of taxol-producing endophytic fungi by means of genetic engineering technology.
2005-2007 Principle Investigator sponsored by the Shanghai Science committee Foundation under Grant Nos: 05DZ05007. Title: Development Quality Standard of Ganoderma spp. by molecular biology methods.
Publications (* correspondence author)
[1] Xu H, Guo MY, Gao YH, Bai XH,Zhou XW*. Expression and characteristics of manganese peroxidase from Ganoderma lucidum in Pichia pastoris and its application in the degradation of four dyes and phenol. BMC Biotechnology. 2017, 17:19.
[2] Guo MY, Liu Y, Gao YH, Jin T, Zhang HB, Zhou XW*. Identification and Bioactive Potential of Endogenetic Fungi Isolated from Medicinal Caterpillar Fungus Ophiocordyceps sinensis from Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 2017, 19(2):307-313.
[3] Xia F, Chen X, Guo MY, Bai XH, Liu Y, Shen GR, Li YL, Lin J, Zhou XW*. High-throughput sequencing-based analysis of endogenetic fungal communities inhabiting the Chinese Cordyceps reveals unexpectedly high fungal diversity. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:33437.
[4] Xu H, Kong YY, Chen X, Guo MY, Bai XH, Lu YJ, Li W,Zhou XW*. Recombinant FIP-gat, a Fungal Immunomodulatory Protein from Ganoderma atrum, Induces Growth Inhibition and Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2016, 64(13):2690-2698.
[5] Xia F, Liu Y, Guo MY, Shen GR, Lin J, Zhou XW*. Pyrosequencing analysis revealed complex endogenetic microorganism community from natural DongChong XiaCao and its microhabitat. BMC Microbiology. 2016, 6(1):196.
[6] Zhou XW*, Liu Yan, Su KQ, Zhang YM. Species Clarification of the Widely Cultivated Ganoderma in China Based on rDNA and FIP Gene Sequence Analysis. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 2016, 18(5):932- 938.
[7] Xia F, Liu Y, Shen GR, Lin J, Zhou XW*. Investigation and Analysis of Microbiological Communities in Natural Ophiocordyceps sinensis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2015, 61(2): 104-111
[8] Zhou XW*, Su KQ, Zhang YM. Phylogenetic analysis of widely cultivated Ganoderma in China based on the mitochondrial V4-V6 region of SSU rDNA. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015, 14(1): 886-897.
[9] Zhou XW*, Li LJ, Tian EW.Advances in research of artificial cultivation of Ophiocordyceps sinensis in China. Critical Review in Biotechnology. 2014, 34(3): 233-43.
[10] Cong WR, Xu H, Liu Y, Li QZ, Li W, Zhou XW*. Production and functional characterization of a novel fungal immunomodulatory protein FIP-SN shuffled from two genes of Ganoderma species. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014, 98(13):5967-75.
[11] Cong WR, Liu Y, Li QZ, Zhou XW*. Cloning and analysis of a functional promoter of fungal immunomodulatory protein from Flammulina velutipes. Molecular Biology Reports. 2014, 41(7):4381-7.
[12] Cong WR, Gong ZH, Shi DD, Zhou XW*. Cloning and analysis of mating-type gene MAT1-1-1 from Cordyceps militaris. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2014, 16(5) : 449-462.
[13] Liu Y, Yuan WN, Zhou XW*. Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial biomass and bioactive metabolites production by Cordyceps militaris. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiololgy. 2014, 8(6): 4245-4254.
[14] Wang XF, Li QZ, Bao TW, Cong WR, Zhou XW*. In vitro rapid evolution of fungal immunomodulatory proteins by DNA family shuffling. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013, 97(6): 2455-2465.
[15] Zhou XW*, Cong WR, Su KQ, Zhang YM. Ligninolytic enzymes from Ganoderma spp.-Current status and potential applications. Critical Review in Microbiology. 2013, 39(4):416-26
Zhou XW* , Su KQ, Zhang YM. Applied modern biotechnology for cultivation of Ganoderma and development of their products. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012, 93(3):941-963.[17] Zhou XW*, Wang XF, Li QZ. Expression and characteristic of the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase gene from the insect parasitizing fungus Cordyceps militaris. Molecular Biology Reports. 2012, 39(12):10303-10311.
[18] Wang XF, Su KQ, Bao TW, Cong WR, Chen YF, Li QZ, Zhou XW*. Immunomodulatory effects of fungal proteins. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. 2012,10 (1): 1-11.
[19] Li QZ, Huang L, Wang XF, Li XS, Wu SQ, Zhou XW*. Fungal immunomodulatory protein from Flammulina velutipes induces cytokine gene xpression in mouse spleen cells. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. 2011, 9(3): 111-118.
[20] Li QZ, Wang XF, Zhou XW*. Recent status and prospects of the fungal immunomodulatory protein family. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2011, 31(4): 365-375.
[21] Li QZ, Zheng SB, Wang XF, Bao TW, Zhou XW*. Preparation of rabbit anti-Ganoderma sinensis immunomodulatory protein polyclonal antibody. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2011, 5(12): 1562-1564.
[22] Li QZ, Wang XF, Bao TW, Ran L, Lin J, Zhou XW*. In vitro synthesis of a recombinant fungal immunomodulatory protein from Lingzhi or Reishi medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (W.Curt.:Fr.) P.Karst. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) and analysis of its immunomodulatory activity. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2010, 12(4):347–358.
[23] Li QZ, Wang XF, Chen YY, Lin J, Zhou XW*. Cytokines expression induced by Ganoderma sinensis fungal immunomodulatory proteins (FIP-gsi) in mouse spleen cells. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2010, 162(5):1403-1413.
[24] Zhou XW*, Zhu HF, Liu L, Lin J. Recent advances and prospect on taxol-producing endophytic fungi. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2010, 86(6): 1707-1717.
[25] Zhou XW*, Xie MQ, Hong F, Li QZ, Lin J. Genomic clones and characterization of a FIP-gsi gene encoding a fungal immunomodulatory protein from Ganoderma sinensis. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2009, 11(1):77-86.
[26] Zhou XW*, Zheng WL, Zhu HF, Tang KX. Identification of a taxol-producing endophytic fungus EFY-36. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2009, 2009, 8(11): 2623-2625.
[27] Gong ZH, Su Y, Huang L, Lin J, Tang KX, Zhou XW*. Cloning and analysis of glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase gene from Cordyceps militaris. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 2009, 4(4): 402-408.
[28] Huang L, Li QZ, Chen YY, Wang XF, Zhou XW*. Determination and analysis of cordycepin and adenosine in the products of Cordyceps spp. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2009, 3(12): 957-961.
[29] Zhou XW, Gong ZH, Su Y, Lin J, Tang KX. Cordyceps fungi: natural products, pharmacological functions and developmental products. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2009, 61(3):279-291.
[30] Zhou XW, Li QZ, Yin YZ, Chen YY, Lin J. Identification of medicinal Ganoderma species based on PCR with specific primers and PCR-RFLP. Planta Medica. 2008, 74(2): 197-200.
[31] Zhou XW, Wei YM, Zhu HF, Wang ZN, Lin J, Liu L, Tang KX. Protoplast formation, regeneration and transformation from the taxol-producing fungus Ozonium sp. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2008, 7 (12): 2017-2024.
Zhou XW , Lin J, Yin YZ, Zhao JY, Sun XF, Tang KX. Ganodermataceae: natural products and their related pharmacological functions. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2007, 35(4): 559-574.[33] Zhou XW, Lin J, Yin YZ, Sun XF, Tang KX. Participation in Research Program: a novel course in undergraduate education of life science. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2007, 35(5):322-327
[34] Zhou XW, Lin J, Yin YZ, Li QZ, Zhao JY, Tang KX. Comparison of rapid DNA extraction methods applied to PCR identification of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma spp. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. 2007, 37(4): 369- 380.
[35] Zhou XW, Jiang H, Lin J, Tang KX. Cytotoxic activities of Coriolus versicolor (Yunzhi) extracts on human liver cancer and breast cancer cell line. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2007, 6(15):1740-1743.
Zhou XW , Wang ZN, Jiang KJ, Wei YM, Lin J, Sun XF, Tang KX. Screening of taxol-producing endophytic fungi from Taxus chinensis var. mairei. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2007, 43(4):439-443.[37] Zhou XW, Lin J, Zhang L, Chen ZH, Yin YZ, Guo BH, Sun XF and Tang KX. The development of biotechnology education in China. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2006, 34(2): 141-147.
2011.05-2012.04 Visiting scholar, in Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, USA.
2015.07-2015.08 Visiting scholar, in Microbiology, University of Connecticut Health Center, USA
Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Support by: Wei Cheng