足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2016-03-08  阅读次数:4793

Norman Scott博士是上海交通大学荣誉教授、美国康奈尔大学生物与环境工程系荣誉退休教授、美国工程院院士(1990年入选)、康奈尔大学前副校长。主要研究领域:可持续发展的社区的生物衍生燃料、可再生能源、资源回收、生态系统管理和工业生态学等。



  1. Renewable Energy Systems

39日(周三)下午13:30-15:30   东中院1-300

Advancements in development of renewable energy systems is occurring at a rapid rate and in terms of the rate of new energy capacity added yearly, renewable forms exceeds that of the other common sources, coal, gas and oil. Solar, wind and geothermal sources will be addressed in terms of existing and potential growth and the extent to which they can replace fossil energy in the future. The presentation will discuss the range from small home rooftop solar PV systems to large commercial/utility scale systems; wind turbine systems and geothermal from a small scale to large deep geothermal plants.


  1. Nanoscience and Engineering for Food and Agriculture Systems

310日(周四)下午13:30-15:30   农生学院0-103

It is envisioned that the convergence between nanotechnology, biotechnology, plant science, animal science, crop and food science/technology will lead to revolutionary advances in the next 5-10 years including, examples such as: i) “re-engineering” of crops, animals and microbes at the genetic and cellular level, ii) nanobiosensors for identification of pathogens, toxins and bacteria in foods, iii) identification systems for tracking animal and plant materials from origination to consumption, iv) development of nanotechnology based foods with lower calories and with less fat, salt and sugar while retaining flavor and texture, v) integrated systems for sensing, monitoring and active response intervention for plant and animal production, vi) “smart field systems” to detect, locate, report and direct application of water, vii) precision and controlled release of fertilizers and pesticides, vii) development of plants that exhibit drought resistance and tolerance to salt and excess moisture, and viii) nanoscale films for food packaging and contact materials that extend shelf life retain quality and reduce cooling requirements.


  1. Opportunities and Challenges for Bio-energy

311日(周五)下午13:30-15:30  农生学院0-103

Bio-energy options provide significant opportunities to meet the growing energy needs in the World and China. The opportunities and challenges of producing liquid fuels from organic materials (corn, sugar cane, sugar beets, cassava, sorghum)—ethanol, commonly termed first generation, will be discussed. Major efforts are directed at second generation organics such as corn stover, numerous grasses and cellulosic materials for biofuels (ethanol). In addition anaerobic digestion of animal manures and organics (including food waste) can offer opportunities for combined heat and power systems that offer unique opportunities for distributed electrical generation and bioproducts. These opportunities and challenges will be addressed from standpoint of technology, economics and social impact.


  1. Sustainable Communities to Transform and Revitalize Cities

315日(周二)晚上1800-20:20  中院405

The challenge, facing our society, is to create sustainable communities that are supported and encouraged via policies that allow for the integration of energy, environment, natural resources, and economic development at a price that business and residential buyers and renters can afford. A key element is the identification of policies that promote significant numbers of jobs and services within communities.  Our focus is interconnectivity of housing, transportation, environmental impacts, economic development and social wellbeing “that meets a community’s current needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can continue to be met in the future.” A systems approach is described as an integrated analysis of urban design, “green” buildings, renewable energy, transportation, economic development, agriculture and food systems, water management, waste management and communication/governance.


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