足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2012-11-12  阅读次数:3597

报告人:Prof. Glenn M. Young, University of California, Davis


报告人简介 (Speaker’s profile):


Professor Young is the Chair of UC Davis Microbiology Graduate Group. This is a Ph.D. program with over 70 graduate students and 64 faculty from across the university, including College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, College of Biological Sciences, College of Engineering, School of Veterinary Medicine and School of Human Medicine. He is also a professor of Food Safety Microbiology with a research group in department of Food Science and Technology.

His team researches how significant foodborne pathogens cause diseases in humans, and how these pathogens survive in food and the environment. Active projects in his laboratory are focusing on the molecular biology, genetics and physiology of diverse pathogenic bacteria including Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, Yersinia species, Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus species. He has published numerous influential publications in Science, Journal of Bacteriology, Molecular Microbiology, and Infection and Immunity. Professor Young active in varous international programs that link UC Davis to universities in Asia, including China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Turkey and Lebanon.


报告时间:11月21日(周三) 上午9:30-10:30





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