足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2012-04-05  阅读次数:3042

      应低碳农业研究中心和农业与生物学院园林科学与工程系邀请,美国加州伯克利大学的Marcia McNally教授将与大家进行学术交流,欢迎参与。

 题 目:Park as Common Ground
内 容:Small urban parks by virtue of the amenities they offer and their proximity to a residential population offer key services in the city. In very large and dense cities with an aging population like Shanghai, these services are increasingly valuable. Yet understanding the preferences and needs of park users generally has not made its way to metropolitan planning in China. Further, park planners worldwide know little about Chinese park traditions or daily life patterns. Using Dr.Shan Yin’s study of 16 parks for the Pudong Bureau of Greening and Gardening as a springboard for discussion, this lecture sets the study results the context of McNally’s 30 years of urban parks and open space professional practice, research, teaching, and advocacy.
报告人:Marcia McNally,
Adjunct Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning University of California,Berkeley
简 历:Marcia McNally is an award-winning landscape planner and academic with 20 years’ experience in the Pacific Rim. She has a unique understanding of the role and style of participatory park planning in emerging East Asian democracies. Her courses and projects involve and attract across disciplines: public health, biology, hydrology, environmental policy, forestry, design, landscape urbanism. Her research is on social factors in place design. She has evaluated and compared neighborhood park initiatives in three cities in the Pacific Rim and is currently researching the significance of local parks to the daily lives of elderly Shanghai residents. McNally’s work has been published in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English. She has on-going teaching and research positions at the University of California, Berkeley; Smith College; and Chung Yuan Christian University.

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