足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2011-10-28  阅读次数:3347
报告题目: 厌氧消化技术进展
报告人:  Dr. Charles J. Banks
            Dr. Gu Sai
时间: 11月02日 星期三 上午10:00—12:30
    Charles J. Banks,英国南安普敦大学土木工程与环境学院教授、英国北安普敦大学废物管理远程课程设置与鉴定执行委员会委员、国际水协环境技术年轻学者年会组织委员会委员、国际水协废物稳定塘双年会组织委员会成员。主要研究领域:利用厌氧消化技术从综合农业系统中发展可持续能源生产,环境保护创新技术开发,可持续发展的废物管理系统的模型开发。   

    Dr. Gu is a Senior Lecturer in School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton UK. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham on material process modelling and further developed his research career at the University of Cambridge as post-doc researcher. Prior to joining Southampton, he created a multidisciplinary CFD Research Group in Aston University UK. The group has a range of research activities in the areas of materials and chemical processing by solving complicated flows involving combustion, heat transfer, chemical reaction, multiscale and multiphase.His most recent interest is to develop CFD models for biomass thermal conversion processes and currently leads the biomass and bioenergy research in Energy Technology Research Group of University of Southampton.

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