足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2010-10-13  阅读次数:2520
LecturerProfessor Alan John McCarthy, from Microbiology Research Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK
Title: Shigatoxigenic phages in the environment
Time: Thursday, October 14 th , 2010 , 9:00-11:30
Venue: 3-101:
LecturerProfessor Alan John McCarthy, from Microbiology Research Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK
Title: Molecular biology of Shigatoxigenic phages
Time: Friday , October 15 th 2010, 9:00-11:30
Venue: 3-101
LecturerProfessor Alan John McCarthy, from Microbiology Research Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK
Title: Molecular and metagenomic approaches to studying cellulose degradation in different environments
Time: Monday, October 18 th 2010, 9:00-11:30
Venue: 3-101

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