足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2016-12-12  阅读次数:8035


Research at the Food, Energy and Water Nexus


Prof. Nurhan Dunford, Oklahoma State University, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department


地点: 农生院0-302室

邀请人: 陆维盈


Prof. Dunford’s experience as an engineer and scientist encompasses over 30 years, including positions in Turkey, Canada, and the United States. She is currently a professor at Oklahoma State University in the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department. Dr. Dunford is also on staff at the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center as the oil and oilseed specialist. She has a BS in chemical engineering, MS in chemistry, Master of Engineering in Food Process Engineering and a Ph.D. in Food Processing/Engineering. She is a registered professional engineer and a certified food scientist, and she is active in several professional organizations including AOCS and IFT in the United States.


Areas of Specialization


Grain processing


Oilseed processing

Value-added product development

Vegetable oil processing and quality

Waste water treatment and reuse

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