报 告 人:梁文星教授
邀 请 人:农业与生物学院
时 间:2016年12月22日下午1:30
地 点:农业与生物学院0-103
2012-2014,Senior Research Associate,Dept. Biochem & Mol Biol., University of Miami
2009-2012, Postdoctoral Associate, Dept. Biochem & Mol Biol., University of Miami
2004-2009, 博士,遗传学, 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
2001-2004, 硕士,植物病理学, 中国农业大学
1997-2001, 学士, 植物保护, 莱阳农学院
研究方向: 研究方向为植物病理学。以番茄—灰霉菌/枯萎菌等为工作系统,通过蛋白质组学方法鉴定与番茄抗病反应以及病原菌致病性密切相关的乙酰化蛋白;在此基础上综合应用植物病理学、分子遗传学、生物化学等手段研究其功能及作用的机制,研究的最终目标是阐明植物-病原菌相互作用的分子机制,解析乙酰化修饰的生物学意义,为通过设计药物或者转基因途径控制植物病害的发生以及最终提高作物产量奠定基础。
1. Song L, Wang G, Malhotra A, Deutscher MP, Liang W*. (2016). Reversible acetylation on Lys501 regulates the activity of RNase II. Nucleic Acids Research. 44(5): 1979-1988.(IF 9.202)
2. Li D, Lv B, Tan L, Yang Q, Liang W*. (2016). Acetylome analysis reveals the involvement of lysine acetylation in diverse biological processes in Phytophthora sojae. Scientific Reports. 6:29897. (IF 5.228)
3. Lv B, Yang Q, Li D, Liang W*, Song L*. (2016). Proteome-wide analysis of lysine acetylation in the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Scientific Reports. 6:29313. (IF 5.228)
4. Liang W, Deutscher MP. (2016). REP sequences: mediators of the environmental stress response? RNA Biology. 13(2): 152-156. (IF 4.076)
5. Liu L, Wang G, Song L, Lv B, Liang W*. (2016). Acetylome analysis reveals the involvement of lysine acetylation in biosynthesis of antibiotics in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Scientific Reports. 6: 20108. (IF5.228)
8. Liang W, Rudd KE, Deutscher MP. (2015). A role for REP Sequences in regulating translation. Molecular Cell. 58(3), 431-439. (IF 14.018)
9. Liang W, Deutscher MP. (2013). Ribosomes regulate the stability and action of the exoribonuclease RNase R. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288 (48), 34791-34798. (IF 4.6)
10. Liang W, Deutscher MP. (2012). Post-translational modification of RNase R is regulated by stress-dependent reduction in the acetylating enzyme Pka (YfiQ). RNA 28 (1), 37-41. (IF 5.088)
11. Liang W, Deutscher MP. (2012). Transfer-messenger RNA-SmpB protein regulates ribonuclease R turnover by promoting binding of HslUV and Lon proteases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287 (40), 33472-33479 (IF 4.651).
12. Liang W, Malhotra A, Deutscher MP. (2011). Acetylation regulates the stability of a bacterial protein: growth stage-dependent modification of RNase R. Molecular Cell. 44 (1), 160-166. (IF 14.178)
13. Liang W, Deutscher MP. (2010). A novel mechanism for ribonuclease regulation: transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) and its associated protein SmpB regulate the stability of RNase R. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285 (38), 29054-29058. (IF 5.328)
14. Liang W, Li C, Liu F, Jiang H, Li S, Sun J, Wu X, Li C. (2009). The Arabidopsis homologs of CCR4-associated factor 1 exhibit mRNA deadenylation activity and play a role in plant defense responses. Cell Research. 19 (3), 307-316. (IF 8.151)