足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2017-04-15  阅读次数:8458

报告题目:Bias in estimates of variance components using single-step method


报告人:Dr. Lei Wang, Aarhus University, Denmark


       Dr. Lei Wang’s background is statistics before doing PhD in genetics. Her focus in quantitative genetics is to apply and develop statistical tools for genomic data analysis. During the PhD study, Dr. Wang has worked on several topics: LD pattern comparison between breeds in local genome regions; investigate Bayesian ante-dependence models with correlated marker effects to improve prediction accuracy and mapping resolution; using haplotypes constructed by graphical model for genomic prediction. Currently, she is doing postdoc and working on genomic evaluation using single-step method in commercial broilers. Dr. Wang has experience in analyzing phenotypic and genomic data in pig, cattle and broiler chicken.

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