足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2018-04-28  阅读次数:9030

讲座题目:Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Water Scarcity

主讲人:Prof. Bruce A. McCarl







Dr. Bruce A. McCarl is University Distinguished Professor and Regents Professor of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. He received his B.S. in Business Statistics at the University of Colorado and Ph.D. in Management Science from Pennsylvania State University. His recent research efforts have largely involved policy analysis (mainly in climate change, climate change mitigation, water economics, and biosecurity) as well as the proper application of quantitative methods to such analyses. He teaches graduate courses in applied mathematical programming and applied risk analysis. He was part of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.



Today there is concern in many areas about trade-offs across the food-energy-water continuum. One place such concern is paramount is in the US Southwest where rapidly growing cities are demanding more water and energy and agriculture is the historic largest water user. Furthermore, growth in energy demands stimulates greater water use in electricity cooling and biofuel manufacture while biofuel expansion competes with agriculture for land. This talk will discuss an ongoing project to look at the value of the Nexus wide coordination under water scarcity. It will cover motivations for the Nexus analysis, results for meeting water scarcity in a dry region, and concepts about compensation among other items. Climate change will also briefly be discussed as a stressor on the Nexus.






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