足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2018-06-07  阅读次数:7805

报告题目:Healthy and flavorful berry fruits

主讲人:Prof. Michael C. Qian


报告地点:农业与生物学院创新楼 201






Dr. Michael C. Qian is a tenured full professor of flavor chemistry at Oregon State University. Dr. Qian’s research interests at Oregon State University include aroma/flavor chemical and biochemical generation in food and beverage systems, with a focus on wine and wine grapes.  He has made significant contribution to the basic understanding of viticultural practices on volatile and volatile precursor formation in wine grapes, and the implication to wine quality.    He applied the flavor chemistry theory and principle and pioneered the flavor chemistry research in Chinese liquor (Baijiu). Due to his outstanding contribution to the area of flavor chemistry, he was elected as the Fellow of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society. He organized many scientific symposia at American Chemical Society’s national meetings as well as Pacifichem 2015.  He is the initiator and the Chair of the 1st and the 2nd International Flavor and Fragrance Conference.  He has held various officer positions in scientific communities, including the Chair position of the American Chemical Society-Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division in 2014.  He is also an adjunct professor of Sun Yat-sen University; adjunct professor of NW A&F University; adjunct investigator of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and adjunct professor of Jiangnan University.

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