足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2018-11-12  阅读次数:6199




报告题目:Hydrocolloid approach to dysphagia

报告人:Prof. Katsuyoshi Nishinari



Prof. Katsuyoshi Nishinari obtained his Ph.D in University of Tokyo. He is an Emeritus Professor of Osaka City University, and was appointed as a Distinguished Professor (full time) by Hubei University of Technology in 2012. He acted as the Chairman of Japanese Society of Rheology, and the Chairman of Japanese Society of Food Science and Technology. His research is mainly focused on food hydrocolloids and their applications in designing elderly foods. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed journal papers, 100 commentary articles, and 10 monographs. He is an Associate Editor of Food Hydrocolloids, Adviser of Colloid and Interface Series, and the Editorial Board Member of Biorheology.

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