足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2019-03-22  阅读次数:3788

报告时间:2019年3月27日(周三) 13:30 — 15:00


报告题目:Science Breakthroughs for Advancing Food and Agricultural Research by 2030

报告人:Norman Roy Scott




      Norman Roy Scott ,美国康奈尔大学生物与环境工程系的荣誉退休教授。康奈尔大学前副校长(1989-1998)。1990年入选美国工程院院士,2006年获聘为上海交通大学的顾问教授,2014年获聘为上海交通大学的名誉教授。






       At this pivotal time in history with an expanding global population requiring more from an increasingly fragile natural resource base, science breakthroughs are needed now more than ever. The research community bears tremendous responsibility of implementing scientific advances to support our world’s well-being and security, and perhaps even global stability. Promising research opportunities include integrating agriculture and food systems to sustainably meet human and animal health needs, provide yield stability and economic value under variable and uncertain environmental pressures, and reduce inputs and negative environmental impacts. Realizing this vision requires a holistic systems approach that combines scientific discovery, technological innovation, and incentives to revolutionize our food and agricultural systems to ensure greater food security and human and environmental health. Implementing this vision requires a bolder approach to research that integrates scientific insight from various disciplines to bring promising breakthroughs to fruition and to ensure competitiveness and food security. The food system of tomorrow will depend on how well we are able to prepare for resiliency today and how well we are able to build our capacity for the future. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions. Dr. Norm Scott, having served as Coordinator of the recently released report, Science Breakthroughs for Advancing Food and Agricultural Research by 2030, and as an NAE committee member will discuss the five science breakthroughs and the recommendations of the report.


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