足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2019-09-19  阅读次数:3393

报告人:Doug A. Schaefer 教授 ;  Gbadamassi G.O. Dossa 副教授

报告时间:9月19日 14:00--16:00


邀请人: 申广荣



      Schaefer 教授在加州理工学院获得了化学学士学位,在新墨西哥州立大学和达特茅斯学院分别获得生态学的硕士和博士学位。作为访问学者来到中国并在昆明植物研究所工作。研究聚焦于生物地球化学,重点围绕生态和其他地球变化过程对生命中的化学物质的利用和重新分配。

       Professor Doug Schaefer got undergraduate degree in Chemistry from California Institute of Technology. Then migrated to ecology with MS from New Mexico State University and PhD from Dartmouth College.He worked at the Kunming Institute of Botany. His focus has been biogeochemistry, meaning how ecological and other earth processes utilize and redistribute the chemicals of life.


       Dossa 副教授2009年以来,他一直在中国学习林业,生态保护。已发表11篇生态学方面的学术论文,其中5篇是第一或主要作者。研究涉及生物多样性、森林生态系统功能、植物死后功能特征对碳循环和营养循环的影响、碳固定等方面,重点是评估木质废弃物的CO2排放等。

      Associate Professor Dossa  has been studying forestry, ecology and conservation in China since 2009. He has 11 scientific publications among which 5 as lead author in renowned ecology journals. His research is related to biodiversity, forest ecosystem functioning, plant afterlife functional traits effect on carbon and nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration with a focus on assessing CO2 efflux from woody debris.




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