足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2020-01-04  阅读次数:34921

题  目:Integrated proximal sensing and digital mapping for effective soil contamination delineation                                 

报告人:Budiman Minasny, The University of Sydney        

时  间:202016(星期一)下午1400

地  点:农业与生物学院B楼337

邀请人:沈国清  教授




Budiman Minasny,悉尼大学土壤景观模型教授。热衷于研究土壤在管理气候变化、粮食、水、能源安全和维持生物多样性方面的作用。已发表SCI论文160多篇,参与编写学术专著50多个章节,2019年高引用研究员(web of science),被公认为数字土壤制图和建模领域的领导者。研究方向主要集中在数字土壤制图、土壤景观动态模拟、土壤状态预测、数字土壤评价和土壤遥感传感。


Budiman Minasny is a Professor in soil-landscape modelling at the University of Sydney. He is passionate about the role of soil in managing climate change, food, water, energy security and maintaining biodiversity. He has more than 160 international journal publications and 50 book chapters. He is a highly cited researcher in 2019 according to web of science and is recognized as the leader in digital soil mapping and modelling. His research interests focus on digital soil mapping, soil-landscape dynamic modelling, forecasting soil conditions, digital soil assessment and soil proximal sensing.

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