足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2020-12-17  阅读次数:2097

报 告 人:王哲   农生学院动物科学系 长聘教轨副教授 博导 独立PI

   间:2020年12月23日 (星期三) 13:30-14:15






Application of Metabolomics in Combating Mycobacterium Infection






1. 致病性分枝杆菌能量代谢通路关键基因的进化与功能分析。

2. 病原体-宿主之间互作的分子机制解析。

3. 新型抗细菌药物的开发以及耐药性机理的研究。

4. 新型快速精准疾病诊断技术的开发。



1. Zhe Wang, Vijay Soni, Gwendolyn Marriner, Takushi Kaneko, Helena I M Boshoff , Clifton E Barry 3rd, Kyu Y Rhee. 2019. Mode-of-action profiling reveals glutamine synthetase as a collateral metabolic vulnerability of M. tuberculosis to bedaquiline. PNAS, 116(39):19646-19651.

2. Zhe Wang, Xuepeng Sun, Yi Zhao, Xiaoxian Guo, Huifeng Jiang, Hongye Li, Zhenglong Gu. 2015. Evolution of gene regulation during transcription and translation. Genome Biology and Evolution. 7(4):1155-1167.





Tenure-track Associate Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, PI

Department of Animal Science, SAB

TIME :13:30-14:15 Dec 23, 2020 (Wed)

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Application of Metabolomics in Combating Mycobacterium Infection.


Mycobacteria genus includes many bacterial pathogens that can cause serious diseases in mammals. Among them, Mycobacteria tuberculosis can infect human and animal, causing tuberculosis (TB). China is still one of the countries with the worst TB epidemics. Meanwhile, the problem of drug resistance caused by antibiotic abuse is increasing year by year, therefore the demand for novel antibiotics is becoming more and more urgent. Metabolomics is one of the newest Omics techniques, and it is being widely used now. Particularly, it can help us understand mycobacteria's unique physiological characteristics of "slow growth, long non-replication phase, and strong resistance" from the perspective of system biology. At the same time, metabolomics approach can assist us in antimicrobial discovery through more quickly identifying novel drug targets, understanding the mechanisms of drug action and resistance, and finding more effective drug combinations.

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