报 告 人:马超 农生学院植物科学系 副研究员
时 间:2020年12月30日 (星期三) 12:45-13:30
地 点:农生学院创新楼(B楼)104会议室
microRNA (miRNA) 在植物生长发育和逆境胁迫中都发挥重要作用。不同植物中众多的研究已经证实miRNA通过调控靶基因来实现基因表达和性状调控。然而,对miRNA的上游调控方式任然研究较少,什么因子能够调控miRNA的表达仍然有很多的可探索之处。miPEP是MIR基因中pre-miRNA序列上游编码形成的小肽,我们的研究证明vvi-MIR171d产生的小肽vvi-miPEP171d1特异性诱导vvi-pre-miR171d (葡萄miR171d前体) 表达,调控葡萄根系发育,但不能诱导该家族其他前体表达,也不能诱导拟南芥该家族前体表达,初步证明miPEP具有很强的物种特异性和基因调控特异性。通过对miPEP特异性的研究,我们为完善植物多肽、小肽理论体系提供了果树学方面的信息,也为物种专属活性肽抗性制剂、肥料开发提供了新思路。
逆境胁迫是果树产业面临的关键问题,提高果树胁迫抗性能有效保障果实产量和品质。MiRNA是重要的植物抗性调控因子,在果树中也同样发挥着重要的抗性调控作用。我们研究组一直围绕miRNA 调控果树抗逆机制开展研究,证明miRNA可调控果树抗逆性。围绕miRNA调控因子开展研究,发现miRNA启动子、环状RNA、miRNA前体产生的小肽 (miPEPE),是三类调控miRNA表达并影响植物抗逆性的重要调控因子,阐明了三类调控因子通过调控果树miRNA从而调控果树抗逆性的作用模式,为果树抗逆育种和抗逆栽培提供科学和实验依据。
1. Chen Q, Deng B, Gao J, Zhao Z, Chen Z, Song S, Wang L, Zhao L, Xu W, Zhang C, Ma C*, Wang S. 2020. MiRNA-encoded small peptide, vvi-miPEP171d1, regulates adventitious root formation in grapevine. Plant Physiology. 183(2): 656-670.
2. 9. Gao Z, Li J, Luo M, Li H, Chen Q, Wang L, Song S, Zhao L, Xu W, Zhang C, Wang S, Ma C*. 2019. Characterization and Cloning of Grape Circular RNAs Identified the Cold Resistance-Related Vv-circATS1. Plant Physiology. 180(2): 966-985.
3. Ma C, Lu Y, Bai S, Zhang W, Duan X, Meng D, Wang Z, Wang A, Zhou Z, Li T*. 2014. Cloning and characterization of miRNAs and their targets, including a novel miRNA-targeted NBS-LRR proteinclass gene in apple (Golden Delicious). Molecular Plant. 7(1):218-30.
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science
TIME :12:45-13:30 Dec. 30, 2020 (Wed)
VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB
ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;
Young Teachers Association, SAB
TITLE:Function analysis of miRNA-Encoded Small Peptide in adventitious root formation of grapevine
microRNA (miRNA) plays an important role in plant development and stress resistance. Numerous studies have confirmed that miRNA achieve gene expression and function regulations by regulating its target genes in different plant species. However, the upstream regulatory mechanism of miRNAs is still rarely reported, there are a lot of questions about what factors can regulate the expression of miRNAs are still need to be explored. miPEP is a small peptide which encoded by the upstream sequence of pre-miRNA of MIR gene. Our research shows that the small peptide vvi-miPEP171d1 produced by vvi-MIR171d specifically induces the expression of vvi-pre-miR171d (vvi-miR171d precursor) and regulates the development of grape root. While it cannot induce the expression of other precursors of this family, or the expression of Arabidopsis thaliana miR171 family precursors, which indicated that miPEP are highly species-specific and gene-specific. Based on the research of miPEP, we provide more useful information (fruit tree area) on the theoretical system of plant peptides and small peptides, as well as new ideas for the development of species-specific active peptide for resistant formulations or fertilizer.