足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2021-03-31  阅读次数:3228

报 告 人:鲁伟  食品科学与工程系  助理研究员

   间:2021年4月7日 (星期三) 12:40-13:30













  1. Wei Lu, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Glyn O. Phillips, and Yapeng Fang*. Colloidal nutrition science to understand food-body interaction. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 109, 352-364 (Top Journal, IF=11.077)
  2. Qiongqiong Yang, Zhongquan Sui, Wei Lu*, and Harold Corke*. Soybean lecithin-stabilized oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions increase the stability and in vitro bioaccessibility of bioactive nutrients. Food Chemistry, 2021, 338, 128071 (Top journal, IF6.306)
  3. Lianqi Cao#Wei Lu#, Analucia Mata, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Yapeng Fang*. Egg-box model-based gelation of alginate and pectin: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 242, 116389 (Top Journal, IF7.182)
  4. Wei Lu, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Shingo Matsukawa, Yapeng Fang*. The future trends of food hydrocolloids. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 103, 105713. (Top Journal, IF7.053)
  5. Wei Lu, Valentyn Maidannyk, Alan L. Kelly, Song Miao*. Fabrication and characterization of highly re-dispersible dry emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 102, 105617. (Top Journal, IF7.053)
  6. Wei Lu, Baodong Zheng and Song Miao*. Improved emulsion stability and modified nutrient release by structuring O/W emulsions using konjac glucomannan. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 81, 120-128. (Top Journal, IF7.053)
  7. Wei Lu, Alan L. Kelly and Song Miao*. Improved Bioavailability of Encapsulated Bioactive Nutrients Delivered through Monoglyceride-Structured O/W Emulsions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 3048−3055. (Top Journal, IF4.192)
  8. Wei Lu, Alan L. Kelly, Pierce Maguire, Hongzhou Zhang, Catherine Stanton and Song Miao*. Correlation of Emulsion Structure with Cellular Uptake Behavior of Encapsulated Bioactive Nutrients: Influence of Droplet Size and Interfacial Structure. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64, 8659-8666. (Top Journal, IF4.192)
  9. Wei Lu, Alan L. Kelly and Song Miao*. Emulsion-based encapsulation and delivery systems for polyphenols. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2016, 47, 1-9. (Top Journal, IF11.077)




Research Associate, Ph.D.

Department of Food Science & Engineering, SAB

TIME :12:40-13:30  Apr. 7,  2021

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Colloidal Nutrition Science - A New Perspective to Understand Food-Body Interaction  


Food is a typical complex system with multi-dispersed phases, which contains multi-scale nanoparticles formed by proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids. These particles not only provide essential nutrient elements for human life activities but also provide the material basis for the framework of food structure. According to traditional nutrition studies, these food nanoparticles can only be absorbed by cells after being degraded into small molecules (e.g., amino acids, monosaccharides, or free fatty acids). There are few reports on the cellular absorption and intracellular metabolic behavior of intact food nanoparticles. Our group focuses on the interaction between multi-scale food nanoparticles and cells, tracks their absorption process, and explores their intracellular biological effects. We coin the related research as “Colloidal Nutrition Science”, which is a new way of understanding the interaction mechanism between food and the human body.

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技术支持: 维程互联