足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2021-04-07  阅读次数:2372

报 告 人:袁聪俐   动物科学系 研究员 博导 PI

   间:2021年4月14日 (星期三) 12:40-13:30








       巴尔通体是人类猫抓病的致病原,导致宿主产生持续性菌血症及杆菌性血管瘤。巴尔通体通过其4型分泌系统将效应蛋白注入宿主细胞内,调控宿主细胞骨架、免疫识别加工、内体运输等多种重要细胞生物学功能来促进病原胞内感染、增殖及扩散。该类病原导致的隐匿性感染(stealth infection)极易被误诊,且一旦建立系统感染后治疗较为困难。巴尔通体多个效应蛋白间的合作配合,使巴尔通体在细胞表面凝集,随后诱导细胞微丝骨架聚合包裹菌团并内化入细胞,从而避免细胞溶酶体杀伤作用。





1. Chunyan Wang, Haoran Zhang, Jiaqi Fu, Meng Wang, Yuhao Cai, Tianyun Ding, Jiezhang Jiang, Xiaoyun Liu, Jane E Koehler,Congli Yuan*. Bartonella type IV secretion effector BepC induces stress fiber formation through activation of GEF-H1. PLoS pathogens. 2021:28 (1):e1009065. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009065. 

2. Wang C, Fu J, Wang M, Cai Y, Hua X, Du Y, Yang Z, Li Y, Wang Z, Sheng H, Yin N, Liu X, Koehler JE, Yuan CBartonella quintana type IV secretion effector BepE-induced selective autophagy by conjugation with K63 polyubiquitin chain. Cell Microbiol. 2019;21(4):e12984. 

3. Jiehua Hong, Yan Li, Xiuguo Hua,Yajie Bai,Chunyan Wang,Zhibiao Yang,Yuming Du,Congli Yuan*. Lymphatic Circulation Disseminates Bartonella Infection Into Bloodstream,J Infectious Dis, 2017. 215:303~311

4. Caixia Zhu,Yajie Bai,Qiyong Liu,Dongmei Li,Jiehua Hong,hibiao Yang,Li Cui,Xiuguo Hua, Congli Yuan*. Depolymerization of cytokeratin intermediate filaments facilitates intracellular infection of HeLa cells by Bartonella henselaeJ Infectious Dis, 2013.5.207:1397~1405




SPEAKER: Congli Yuan

Professor, Ph.D. PI

Department of Animal Science, SAB

TIME :12:40-13:30 April 14th, 2021

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Intruder below the Radar: Pathogenesis of Bartonella 


Bartonella is the causing pathogen of Cat Scratch Diseases in humans. Intracellular replication of Bartonella in HUVECs causes the persistent bacteremia. Our study confirmed type 4 secretion system effector BepC induces stress fiber formation and cell protrusion through activation of GEF-H1 in HUVECs, subsequently, envelopes Bartonella aggregates to form a unique structure, called "invasome", under the synergistic effector with BepF. Formation of invasome benefits intracellular survival of Bartonella because invasome can block the fuse with lysosome. The cooperative mechanism of BepF with BepC on formation of invasome, however, has not been elucidated. Our studies are focusing on the exploration of mechanism how invasome is formed, which is expected to shed light on our understanding to the pathogenesis of Bartonella.

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