足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2021-11-05  阅读次数:6373

授课人:巫永睿, 中科院上海植物生理生态研究所研究员







2005-2007, 植生所工作,并到浙江省湖州市科技局担任挂职副局长。

2007-2013,美国Rutgers University(新泽西州立大学) Waksman 研究所,博士后;








巫永睿研究员主要从事玉米胚乳发育与遗传改良的分子基础研究,实验室的研究工作包括:1、玉米胚乳发育的基因表达调控网络解析;2、优质蛋白玉米(Quality Protein Maize, QPM)胚乳修饰机理研究;3、玉米籽粒重要突变体的基因克隆和功能研究。在玉米蛋白品质调控与遗传改良的分子基础研究方面取得了非常系统的研究成果。在Nature Communications、 PNAS、 Plant Cell等杂志上发表文章20多篇。


1. Yang T, Guo L, Ji C, Wang H, Wang J, Zheng X, Xiao Q, Wu Y. The B3 domain-containing transcription factor ZmABI19 coordinates expression of key factors required for maize seed development and grain filling. Plant Cell. 2021 33:104-128.

2. Wang H, Huang Y, Xiao Q, Huang X, Li C, Gao X, Wang Q, Xiang X, Zhu Y, Wang J, Wang W, Larkins BA, Wu Y. Carotenoids modulate kernel texture in maize by influencing amyloplast envelope integrity. Nat Commun. 2020 1:5346.

3. Deng Y, Wang J, Zhang Z, Wu Y. Transactivation of Sus1 and Sus2 by Opaque2 is an essential supplement to sucrose synthase-mediated endosperm filling in maize. Plant Biotechnol J. 2020 181897-1907.

4. Li C, Xiang X, Huang Y, Zhou Y, An D, Dong J, Zhao C, Liu H, Li Y, Wang Q, Du C, Messing J, Larkins BA, Wu Y*, Wang W*. Long-read sequencing reveals genomic structural variations that underlie creation of quality protein maize. Nat Commun. 2020 11:17.

5. Liu H, Huang Y, Li X, Wang H, Ding Y, Kang C, Sun M, Li F, Wang J, Deng Y, Yang X, Huang X, Gao X, Yuan L, An D, Wang W, Holding DR, Wu Y. High frequency DNA rearrangement at qγ27 creates a novel allele for Quality Protein Maize breeding. Commun Biol. 2019 2:460.

6. Zheng X, Li Q, Li C, An D, Xiao Q, Wang W, Wu Y. Intra-Kernel Reallocation of Proteins in Maize Depends on VP1-Mediated Scutellum Development and Nutrient Assimilation. Plant Cell. 2019 31:2613-2635.

7. Huang Y, Wang H, Huang X, Wang Q, Wang J, An D, Li J, Wang W, Wu Y. Maize VKS1 Regulates Mitosis and Cytokinesis During Early Endosperm Development. Plant Cell. 2019 31:1238-1256.

8. Yang J, Fu M, Ji C, Huang Y, Wu Y. Maize Oxalyl-CoA Decarboxylase1 Degrades Oxalate and Affects the Seed Metabolome and Nutritional Quality. Plant Cell. 2018 30:2447-2462.

9. Qi Li#, Jiechen Wang#, Jianwei Ye#, Xixi Zheng, Xiaoli Xiang, Changsheng Li, Miaomiao Fu, Qiong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang and Yongrui Wu. (2017). The maize imprinted gene Floury3 encodes a PLATZ protein required for tRNA and 5S rRNA transcription through interaction with RNA polymerase III. Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.17.00576.

10. Zhiyong Zhang, Xixi Zheng, Jun Yang, Joachim Messing* and Yongrui Wu* (2016). Maize endosperm-specific transcription factors O2 and PBF network the regulation of protein and starch synthesis. PNAS, 113(39):10842-7.

11. Hongjun Liu#, Junpeng Shi#, Chuanlong Sun, Hao Gong, Xingming Fan, Fazhan Qiu, Xuehui Huang, Qi Feng, Xixi Zheng, Ningning Yuan, Changsheng Li, Zhiyong Zhang, Yiting Deng, Jiechen Wang, Guangtang Pan, Bin Han, Jinsheng Lai, Yongrui Wu (2016). Gene duplication confers enhanced expression of 27-kDa γ-zein for endosperm modification in Quality Protein Maize. PNAS, 113(18):4964-9.

12. Zhiyong Zhang#, Jun Yang# and Yongrui Wu (2015). Transcriptional Regulation of Zein Gene Expression in Maize through the Additive and Synergistic Action of opaque2, Prolamine-Box Binding Factor, and O2 Heterodimerizing Proteins. Plant Cell, 27: 1162–1172.

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