足球竞猜官网(中国)股份有限公司官网:2021-11-25  阅读次数:6413

授课人:徐麟, 中科院分子植物科学卓越创新中心/植物生理生态研究所






2005-2008, 法国斯特拉斯堡第一大学,法国科学院IBMP研究所, 获博士学位;

2008-2013, 中科院分子植物科学卓越创新中心/植物生理生态研究所, 副研究员;




杂志审稿人: Plant Cell, Nature Plants, Nature Communications, PLOS Genetics, Development, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany等杂志。

杂志编辑: Frontiers in Plant Science 杂志植物干细胞研究主题(Research Topic: Plant Stem Cells)的 Guest Associate Editor;Plant & Cell Physiology杂志Special Issue的Guest Editor。



再生能力是植物在严酷的自然环境下能够保持长久生命力的重要原因之一,也被人们广泛运用于农业实践中。徐麟研究员的研究集中在三个方面:(1)再生过程中的干细胞命运转变;(2)再生的伤口信号;(3)干细胞与再生能力的演化历程。课题组在Nature Plants, Development, Plant Cell, PLOS Genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal发表论文多篇,并受邀在Current Opinion Plant Biology, Trends Plant Science, Current Topics Developmental Biology上发表多篇综述文章。



  1. Zhai N, Xu L. Pluripotency acquisition in the middle cell layer of callus is required for organ regeneration. Nat Plants. 2021 Nov;7(11):1453-1460.
  2. Yu J, Zhang Y, Liu W, Wang H, Wen S, Zhang Y, Xu L. Molecular Evolution of Auxin-Mediated Root Initiation in Plants. Mol Biol Evol. 2020 May 1;37(5):1387-1393.
  3. Zhang G, Zhao F, Chen L, Pan Y, Sun L, Bao N, Zhang T, Cui CX, Qiu Z, Zhang Y, Yang L, Xu L. Jasmonate-mediated wound signalling promotes plant regeneration. Nat Plants. 2019 May;5(5):491-497.
  4. Xu L.* (2018) De novo root regeneration from leaf explants: wounding, auxin, and cell fate transition. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 41:39-45 [Invited review]
  5. Sheng L.#, Hu X.#, Du Y., Zhang G., Huang H., Scheres B., Xu L.* (2017) Non-canonical WOX11-mediated root branching contributes to plasticity in Arabidopsis root system architecture. Development 144(17): 3134-3144
  6. Hu B.#, Zhang G.#, Liu W.#, Shi J.#, Wang H.#, Qi M., Li J., Qin P., Ruan Y., Huang H., Zhang Y., Xu L.* (2017) Divergent regeneration-competent cells adopt a common mechanism for callus initiation in angiosperms. Regeneration 4(3):132–139. [Cover story]
  7. Hu X., Xu L.* (2016) Transcription factors WOX11/12 directly activate WOX5/7 to promote root primordia initiation and organogenesis. Plant Physiol. 172(4):2363-2373
  8. Chen L., Tong J., Xiao L., Ruan Y., Liu J., Zeng M., Huang H., Wang J.-W., Xu L.* (2016) YUCCA-mediated auxin biogenesis is required for cell fate transition occurring during de novo root organogenesis in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 67(14):4273-4284 [Recommended by Insights (2016) J. Exp. Bot. 67 (14): 4011-4013]
  9. Chen X., Cheng J., Chen L., Zhang G., Huang H., Zhang, Y., Xu L.* (2016) Auxin-independent NAC pathway acts in response to explant-specific wounding and promotes root tip emergence during de novo root organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 170(4):2136-2145。
  10. Liu J, Sheng L, Xu Y, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L. WOX11 and 12 are involved in the first-step cell fate transition during de novo root organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2014 Mar;26(3):1081-93.

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