吴艳 PI研究组


吴艳  研究员








  1. 国家自然科学基金-区域创新发展联合基金-重点支持项目,超高压加工对岭南特色三华李活性成分的相互作用及吸收代谢的调控,2023-2026
  2. 国家自然基金面上基金项目,基于长短程协同作用研究罗望子多糖抑制冰晶生长的分子机理,2022-2025
  3. 国家自然基金面上基金项目,罗望子多糖溶液中分子构象的变化及物理胶凝机理研究,2019-2022
  4. 国家自然基金面上基金项目,苦豆子活性多糖的空间结构表征及分子构象和功能性机制研究,2013-2016
  5. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目,功能性胖大海多糖的结构及溶液空间构象的研究,2010-2012
  6. 国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题,食品多组分复杂模拟体系相互作用机制及营养健康功能评价2017-2020




  1. Xianbao Sun, Rui Guo, Yuxing Kou, Hong Song, Taijie Zhan, Jinhong Wu, Lihua Song, Hui Zhang, Fan Xie, Jiangmei Wang, Zibo Song, Yan Wu*. Inhibition of ice recrystallization by tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) seed polysaccharide and molecular weight effects, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 301, Part B, 120358        
  2. Rui Guo, Xujiao Li, Xianbao Sun, Yuxing Kou, Jun'ai Zhang, Deshun Li, Yanfang Liu, Taolei Zhao, Hui Zhang, Zibo Song, Yan Wu*. Molecular aggregation via partial Gal removal affects physicochemical and macromolecular properties of tamarind kernel polysaccharides, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 285, 119264        
  3. Rui Guo, Jun'ai Zhang, Xin Liu, Xujiao Li, Xianbao Sun, Yuxing Kou, Deshun Li, Yanfang Liu, Hui Zhang, Yan Wu*. Pectic polysaccharides from Biluochun Tea: A comparative study in macromolecular characteristics, fine structures and radical scavenging activities in vitro. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 195, 598-608   
  4. Rui Guo, Xujiao Li, Xianda Ma, Xianbao Sun, Yuxing Kou, Jun’ai Zhang, Deshun Li, Yanfang Liu, Hui Zhang, Yan Wu*. Macromolecular and thermokinetic properties of a galactomannan from Sophora alopecuroides L. seeds: A study of molecular aggregation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 262, 117890
  5. Xianbao Sun#, Xuejiao Wu#, Xiangyu Chen, Rui Guo, Yuxing Kou, Xujiao Li, Yi Sheng, Yan Wu*. Casein-maltodextrin Maillard conjugates encapsulation enhances the antioxidative potential of proanthocyanidins: An in vitro and in vivo evaluation, Food Chemistry, 2021, 346, 128952 
  6. Rui Guo, Xujiao Li, Xiangyu Chen, Yuxing Kou, Hao Hu, Xin Liu, Deshun Li, Yanfang Liu, Lianzhong Ai, Zibo Song, Yan Wu*. An ultrasonic-extracted arabinoglucan from Tamarindus indica L. pulp: A study on molecular and structural characterizations, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 164, 3687-3697                                            
  7. Xujiao Li, Rui Guo, Xuejiao Wu, Xin Liu, Lianzhong Ai, Yi Sheng, Zibo Song, Yan Wu*. Dynamic digestion of tamarind seed polysaccharide: Indigestibility in gastrointestinal simulations and gut microbiota changes in vitro, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 239, 116194  
  8. Rui Guo, Sen Tian, Xujiao Li, Xuejiao Wu, Xin Liu, Deshun Li, Yanfang Liu, Lianzhong Ai, Zibo Song, Yan Wu*. Pectic polysaccharides from purple passion fruit peel: A comprehensive study in macromolecular and conformational characterizations, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 229, 115406    
  9. Rui Guo#, Zhongxiang Xu#, Shengfang Wu, Xujiao Li, Jinan Li, Hao Hu, Yan Wu*, Lianzhong Ai. Molecular properties and structural characterization of an alkaline extractable arabinoxylan from hull-less barley bran, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 218, 250-260            
  10. Yan Wu#, Rui Guo#, Nannan Cao, Xiangjun Sun, Zhongquan Sui*, Qingbin Guo**. A systematical rheological study of polysaccharide from Sophora alopecuroides L. seeds, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 180, 63-71      



  1. 吴艳一种香精微胶囊的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201310204624.0,授权日:2015.08.12
  2. 吴艳,曹楠楠,一种苦豆子多糖的超声波提取方法,专利号:ZL 201310533163.1,授权日:2015.08.12
  3. 吴艳,李季楠,胡浩,一种叶黄素纳米乳液的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201810457216.9,授权日:2021.08.12
  4. 吴艳,吴雪娇,郭锐,李旭娇,刘鑫,一种自组装原花青素纳米复合物的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201910445652.9,授权日:2021.09.28
  5. 吴艳,徐中香,艾连中,张汇,胡浩,李季楠,一种以黑青稞麸皮为原料提取β-葡聚糖的方法,专利号:ZL 201710284067.6,授权日:2022.03.08





本团队主要从事食品天然产物功能因子结构、功能及其健康作用研究,诚邀海内外对“食品功能活性成分结构与营养健康”方向抱有浓厚兴趣的青年学者及博士、硕士和本科生加盟。需要具有相关专业背景,良好的中英文表达能力,热爱科研,具有良好的科研职业道德、沟通能力和团队协作精神。待遇不低于上海交通大学相关规定。符合上述条件的应聘者,请将个人简历等相关材料发送至wuy@sjtu.edu.cn 。邮件主题标注:应聘助理研究员(博士后、博士研究生等)+姓名。


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